Mutual Respect

Just like animals, humans will protect their territory when it is threatened. So to avoid confrontation, which often leads to physical harm and even death, we must respect a persons “territory”. If you wear the “mutual respect” medallion you are telling people that you support the following creed:

  • I believe that a person of a different color has a more beautiful color than I do.
  • I respect the right of a person to choose what god to worship or their right not to worship any god.
  • All cultures are more interesting and fascinating than mine and these people are generally kinder, smarter and more understanding than me.
  • Live and let live. I will embrace the concept that people may live their life differently than I, and even though we may not approve of each others way of life, I will respect their right to live their life the way they want and most importantly in peace and harmony.
  • My greatest desire is to live in peace with all species and especially all of mankind.